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TiM Case Study

Company Profile

A project management firm was tracking time the old-fashioned way, spending on average, 2 hours a week capturing data and filling out time sheets. They had 650 employees, of which 500 billed for their time. 


Installed TiM for the entire company and then challenged the 500 employees billing for their time to find 12 extra minutes of billable time per week.


12 extra minutes of billable time per week per employee led to a net result of over $3 million/year of pure profit!


Professionals were now spending on average 15 minutes/week entering their time and data into the system. That's 1 hour and 45 minutes x 500 employees of productive time invested back into the company - valued at over $4 million.


By leaving timesheets behind and capturing 12 more minutes/day/employee they were able to increase profits by more than 7%, without any additional effort!

Our customers

Mirely Cornado

Mirely Cornado
 Manager Project Coordinator

Everyone in our company needs TiM.

Zamir Habib

Zamir Habib
Senior Consultant

Only complaint I have is that I didn't start using TiM sooner.

Andrea Nills

Andrea Nills

I look forward to doing my time, and that is crazy. It is fun and enjoyable, and I never thought I would mention the words 'time' and 'fun' in the same sentence. TiM should be at all companies.

Justin Delisle

Justin Delisle
Technical Director

TiM is a game changer.

Chris Gibson

Chris Gibson
Senior Consultant

If you take TiM away from me, I quit.

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